Newspaper Articles Related to Swansea
Articles from The Spectator "Remembrances" Edition, Issue Number One, '1993-1952 At A Glance,' released February 24, 1993
Miscellaneous newspaper articles
LOST AND FOUND: Flag turns up at Town Hall (Herald News, Feb 17, 2010)
Gardners "Mark 50 Years of Wedded Life" (Unknown paper, 1914)
"Swansea's No. 1 Home" (Herald News, February 2, 1997)
"Swansea to be 330 years old" (The Spectator, September 4, 1996)
"Bridge's Real Name Tied to Founding Father" - (Swansea News, August 3,2006)
"School Cupola Spared" (Herald News, July 25, 2007)
"Lizzie Lived in Historic House" (The Spectator, December 8, 2004)
"Mason Barney School Demolition Date Set" (Herald News, date unknown)
"Scrabbletown was Part of the Swansea Village" (The Spectator, January 17, 2007)